BiosysFoodEng 2018

2nd International Conference on Biosystems and Food Engineering in memory of Professor András Fekete
ISBN 978-963-269-753-6
- Airflow measurements in apple storage rooms
Martin Geyer, Marc Spuhler, Daniel Neuwald, Holger Scaar, Reiner Jedermann, Ulrike Praeger; PDF E202: 1pp
- Dielectrical properties of Hungarian Acacia honey
Eszter Vozáry, Kinga Ignácz, Bíborka Gillay; PDF E203: 8pp
- Recognition of adulterated aszú wine by the electronic tongue
John-Lewis Z. Zaukuu, János Soós, Ildikó Magyar, Zoltan Kovacs: PDF E204: 1pp
- Optimisation of process parameters for short-term hot-water treatment of apples for fruit salads by non-destructive imaging techniques
Werner B. Herppich, Marco Maggioni, Susanne Huyskens-Keil, Tina Kabelitz, Karin Hassenberg; PDF E205: 1pp
- Evaluation of chicken meat physical properties during food processing
Marta Della Valle, Eszter Vozáry, Francesco Marra, László Baranyai; PDF E206: 6pp
- Physical protection against excessive solar radiation in experimental raspberry plantation
Szalay, K., B. Keller, R. Rák, P. Nóra, L. Kovács, F. Sillinger, A. Jung; PDF E207: 8pp
- Applicability of rapid measurement techniques to detect minimal heat treatment of honey
Zsanett Bodor, Csilla Benedek, John-Lewis Zinia Zaukuu, Tímea Kaszab, István Kertész, Zoltán Kovács; PDF E208: 1pp
- Geometric morphometric analysis of the grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) berry shape by using elliptic Fourier descriptors
Bodor, P., Somogyi, E., Baranyai, L., Lázár, J., Bálo, B.; PDF E209: 7pp
- Analysis of physical behavior and structure of a complex fat system
Vinod Dhaygude, Anita Soós, Katalin Kóczán-Manninger, Katalin Badak-Kerti, Ildikó Szedljak, László Somogyi; PDF E210: 1pp
- Extraction of phenolic compounds from Tokaji aszu marc
Szilvia Bánvölgyi, Eszter Dusza, Fiina K. Namukwambi, István Kiss, Éva Stefanovits-Bányai, Gyula Vatai; PDF E211: 7pp
- Biodegradability and characterization of Industrial wastewater in Hungary
Alrahami Mahmood, Beszédes, S., Keszthelyi-Szabó, G; PDF E212: 7pp
- Effect of heat treatments in color parameters of wine products
Péter Korzenszky, Tímea Kaszab, Gábor Géczi; PDF E213: 9pp
- Investigating the texture and antioxidant capacity of papain enzyme-treated yogurt with different substrate – glucose and sucrose
Attila Csighy, Arijit Nath, Eszter Vozáry, András Koris, Gyula Vatai; PDF E214: 1pp
- Effects of combined HHP and heat treatment on viscosity and microbiological safety of liquid egg yolk
Adrienn Tóth, Csaba Németh, Emna Ayari, Karina Hidas, Ildikó Zeke, Péter Penksza, László Friedrich; PDF E221: 9pp
- Associations of sweet corn’s overall liking and sensory relationships with PLS-PM model
Ákos Nyitrai, Viktor Losó, László Csambalik, Sándor Kovács, Attila Gere, Zoltán Kókai, László Sipos; PDF E222: 1pp
- Examination of milling technological properties of different wheat varieties
Antal Véha, Zoltán Magyar, Balázs P. Szabó; PDF E223: 9pp
- Ethanol from concentrated broth
Balázs Lemmer, Zoltán Jákói, Doroca Erdeg, Sándor Beszédes, Gábor Keszthelyi-Szabó, Cecilia Hodúr; PDF E224: 1pp
- Shelf life extension with ultrasound
Dávid Nagy, Bíborka Gillay, Tamás Zsom, József Felföldi, Viktória Zsom-Muha; PDF E225: 1pp
- Food quality attributes of melon (Cucumis Melo L.) Influenced by grafting
Dzsenifer Németh, Noémi Kappel, Balázs Gábor; PDF E226: 5pp
- UHT treatment of liquid yolk egg
Emna Ayari, Cs. Nemeth, T. Adrienn, L. Dàvid, L. Friedrich; PDF E227: 8pp
- Lactic acid fermented, probiotic sour cherry development with strain selection
Judit Perjéssy, Ferenc Hegyi, Magdolna Nagy-Gasztonyi, Rita Tömösközi-Farkas, Mária Berki, Zsolt Zalán; PDF E228: 12pp
- Growth and survival of probiotic Lactobacillus strains in orange juice(s)
Judit Perjéssy, Ferenc Hegyi, Zsolt Zalán; PDF E229: 1pp
- Acoustic investigation of chocolate
Katalin Badakné Kerti, Viktória Zsom-Muha, Tamás Zsom, Dávid Nagy, József Felföldi; PDF E230: 8pp
- Chemical composition and antimicrobial effect of aqueous and ethanolic extracts of stinging nettle (Urtica dioica L.)
Kőszegi K., Békássy-Molnár E., Stefanovits-Bányai É., Szabó P., Végvári Gy., Maráz A.; PDF E231: 1pp
- Alternative method for whey utilization as fermented product
Tankó György, Vatai Gyula, Koris András; PDF E232: 1pp
- Examination of the effect of type and quality of sugar on main sensory parameters of homemade oat-flakes biscuit
Tímea Kaszab, Blanka Halasi, Zoltán Kovacs; PDF E233: 8pp
- Preliminary results of the complex analysis of Hungarian sausages enriched with probiotics
Viola Szabó, Gabriella Andrássy-Baka, Éva Varga-Visi, György Bázár; PDF E234: 1pp
- Application of ultrasound in enzyme treatment of cheese whey
Zoltán Jákói, Balázs Lemmer, József Csanádi, Cecilia Hodúr; PDF E235: 1pp
- Mathematical analysis of the colour parameters of pasta and semolina made from durum wheat
Zs.H. Horváth; PDF E236: 1pp
- Effect of perforation modified atmosphere packaging on quality of fresh-cut carrot during storage
Lien Phuong Le Nguyen, Tamás Zsom, Géza Hitka, Ildikó Csilla Zeke, László Friedrich; PDF E237: 7pp
- Quality Maintenance of Broccoli by the use of 1-MCP Treatments
Tamás Zsom, Petra Polgári, Lien Phuong Le Nguyen, Géza Hitka, Viktória Zsom-Muha; PDF E238: 8pp